
See what parents, teachers, and educators have to say about working with Dr. Goss.

Alison is a pioneer, outstanding leader, and mentor. l highly recommend her expertise and knowledge in the field of Montessori education.

Linda B.
Montessori Educator

Alison is a dedicated educator, a passionate Montessorian, a good communicator and an effective leader. I would recommend her for educational, leadership positions.

Shirley A.
Montessori Administrator

Alison’s driving force is her commitment to learning. She has shown herself to be a lifelong learner.

Dr. Cheryl P.
Associate Professor, Centre for Conflict Education and Research

"A committed and passionate leader" is the phrase that comes to mind when I think of Alison. I admired Alison’s innovative ideas, creative thinking, and vision to develop, rejuvenate and modernize many school aspects, which took the school to new heights.

Helen S.
Montessori Parent

Alison believes in integrated and collaborative approach to learning. She instilled the skills of research, self-correction, and resilience in her students. She was always open to new ideas to enhance our educational programs and teaching methods.

Rupa B.
STEM coach and curriculum designer

Your contribution cannot be measured in words. You have left your legacy in the halls of the school which will be felt by all in the days and years to come. Thank you for shaping my three boys into wonderful contributors to our community.

Audrey S.

I’ll miss you so much, thank you for teaching me good things.

Age 6